FLE Outdoor Classroom

Thursday, October 1, 2009

I'm not the only one who has been busy this week!

Our friendly Banana Spider has been really busy! Today I took Ms. Cahill's first graders outside to water the plants and look what we found! Just yesterday this spider was still in her web sitting just like she did all last week but today we saw that she made an egg sac last night! She also has turned around so that you can see the top of her body. I think she turned so that she could guard her eggs better. She certainly looks scarier from the front! I wonder if she will be like Charlotte from Charlotte's Web and die soon after her eggs hatch? We are going to have to keep an eye on this little lady and her egg sac!


kayla said...

Wow that so cool. Did the eggs hatch

Anonymous said...

WOW! That's a big spider. I think I had a banana spider make a web behind the trash can outside. Too bad we had to move the spider to wheel the trashcan out to the road. Anyway that is really cool!

destiny said...

Hi i'm Destiny were the eggs real?

ade said...

She looks so cool in the garden,and in the web

Tyrelle said...

That was a big banana spider.

Mrs. Smith said...

Her eggs are very real! They are inside of the egg sack now but when they begin to hatch there will be hundreds of them!

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