FLE Outdoor Classroom

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Going on a Bug Hunt!

This morning Ms. Fair's class and I went out to the Outdoor Classroom to try to find some bugs to photograph. We didn't find a lot of bugs today but we did find a HUGE banana spider. She has made her web on the right side of the greenhouse and although she might look scary and very poisonous, she is harmless. So please remember to respect her habitat and do not harm her. You can learn more about Banana Spiders here.

We also came across what I grew up calling a "cow" ant but we learned that it is actually called a "Velvet Ant". We learned that it is not even an ant at all. It's a wasp. You can learn more here.

We also found aphids on some milkweed. Aphids attract ladybugs but we didn't find any today.

We found this "skin" shed by a grasshopper. It looked like a ghost of a grasshopper.

Later on we spotted the "real" grasshopper!

Before we left to go inside, we fed the very hungry fish!


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