FLE Outdoor Classroom

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Picking Peanuts!

On September the 22nd Mrs. Jackson's 3rd grade class went out to the garden and harvested the peanuts that we planted in the spring. It was a bright sunny day and perfect for picking peanuts. We harvested about a 5 gallon container! That's a lot of peanuts! The students washed the peanuts and got them ready to be boiled. Mrs. Williams, the cafeteria manager, cooked them for the class the next day. They were delicious!

We learned alot about the peanut. Some of us had no idea that peanuts grow under the ground! When you harvest them you have to pull them out of the ground and pick them off of the roots! Some of them get pulled off and stay in the ground so we have to dig around in the dirt to find them all. It's kind of like going peanut hunting!

We plan to plant even more next year because they grow so well here. Did you know that peanuts are one of Georgia's largest cash crops? You can learn more about it here.


Anonymous said...

Hi my name is Lauren. My class got to pick peanuts at the garden. When we were done picking peanuts we got to bring then home and boil them all up. Then we bring it back to school we got to taste then. Failly when I taste then they were very very good. And I wanted to eat some more.

Anonymous said...

When we were picking the peanuts it was fun.It was even better when we got to eat them.I love peanuts from everywhere.Peanuts are my second favorite snack.They were good when Heaven's mom made them.Amari

Anonymous said...

I loved picking the peanuts with my class.I loved eating the peanuts.The peanuts were good.It was fun picking the peanuts.It was cool. I loved it.I loved the peanuts alot.Mrs.Jackson is nice. from,maelie

Anonymous said...

Hi my name is Jamie.My friends and I went diging peanuts.My friend Carlos found the biggest peanut out of the whole class.We had a lot of peanuts.The lunch lady boil them for us.When I got home I found seven big peanuts in my back yard.I asked my mom can you boil them.

Anonymous said...

We had fun a lot of people came to eat some but Mrs.Jackson I ate one in she heated it up so we can eat it up some people ate faster then me but I ate min all.My name is lakel.

Anonymous said...

Hi my name is Carlos the whole class went out to the garden to pick penuts. there were a lot of penuts. When we were done we went inside we gave the penuts to the cook and she boiled them.

Anonymous said...

When i pick the peanuts it was fun. We had lots of peanuts it took us many days to pick them . we got two bowls each person we took pictures I had a great time. ByJayleel

Anonymous said...

Hi i am in Mrs.Jackson class.I love her class it is so much fun i have lots of friends.I am so glad to be in Mrs.Jacksons class.It was so much fun picking peanuts with my friends.I hope you love this slide show.Oh wait i forgot to tell you what my name is Lorena

Anonymous said...

Hi my name is Amari. I hope you liked the slieshow.The peanuts where so good I wanted more. It was fun picking peanuts with Mrs.Jackson class.Amari

Anonymous said...

When Mr. Jackson clss picked peanuts. It was a lot of fun.It was fun When we prepared them to pick the top of the peanuts. we aolso got to wash them.It was fun I wish i could do it agin.

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