FLE Outdoor Classroom

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Work Day

On September the 12th, we had our first Saturday workday of the 2009-2010 school year. The Outdoor Classroom was in great need of some attention! We were so fortunate to have well over 100 parent, student and staff volunteers! Within 3 hours our Outdoor Classroom was transformed! After all of our hard work, we enjoyed lunch that was prepared for us by our Assistant Principal, Judy Hellgren. It was such a great day and we got so much work completed! We added 8 raised beds and planted collard greens, rutabagas, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, and three types of lettuce.

Thanks to everyone who helped make our work day a success!


Anonymous said...

When I first started picking peanuts I started small .Then I went out big .When I eat them they were good and squishy .I said that is sum good stuf .That`s the most way I think about the peanuts .By christopher.

Anonymous said...

One day Mrs.Jackson clss went to the garden.When we got there we put gloves on.I went and picked a lot of penuts.Mrs.Jackson class had a lot of fun picking lot of fun.By Monika

Anonymous said...

I loved picking peanuts with my class.It was fun.but I liked eating them the most.They where vary good.mrs. jackson let the class bring some home with us.


Anonymous said...

I like the outdoor classroom because it's very nice and beautiful


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