FLE Outdoor Classroom

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Planting Turnips With Ms. Fair's 2nd Graders

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This week the second grade's reading story was "The Enormous Turnip". I just so happened to have some turnip seeds that needed to be planted in the raised beds so Ms. Fair and I came up with a plan! So we took the kids out and planted the seeds. The students were just precious! They were so excited to be planting. As they watered in the seed some began to sing a little song from the story and soon they were all singing, "Grow Grow Little Turnip, Grow Sweet , Grow Strong!". It was too cute!

While were were out there we planted some Mustard Green seeds too. I must say this year our Fall Garden is doing so much better than last years! I guess maybe Mother Nature is making up for our Spring Garden getting drowned with too much water! ;-)


Anonymous said...

reading this made ME wanna be in second grade AGAIN :]

Deze said...

This is nature!

Deze said...

Why dont we put some fruit in the garden

Anonymous said...

Good job, Yall did a lot of hard work

Mrs. Smith said...

Deze, we DO have some fruit in the garden. Okra is technically a fruit and so is tomatoes! We don't have tomatoes growing right now but we do have them in the spring.

I know what you are asking thought. Maybe we should convince Mr. Carrier to let us put in some fruit trees. I would love to plant a few fig trees and since GA is a leading peach producer and it's our state fruit, maybe we should put in a few peach trees!

Deze said...

Haw about some selary,pair trees,and... um something very good like ... owya cherry tress.

Deze said...

I like nature naw :)

Anonymous said...

I think it is so cool! It makes me want to go back to second grade.

Deze said...

The garden is verey intresting as I would say.

Damian said...

That was the best slideshow I ever seen!

Anonymous said...

I think the outdoor garden is the best garden i've ever seen in my whole life. It's most beutfulest thing i ever seen.

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